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The 3 things doctors recommend for your swollen feet

About 70% of pregnant women who suffer from swollen feet feel better after days of trying out these three techniques.

In the third trimester most pregnant women suffer from water retention also referred to as edema. Edema is caused by additional blood and fluid the body is producing for the baby's development.This additional fluid causes mummy-to-be to swell in the hands, face, legs, ankles, and feet.

This extra retention of fluid is needed to soften the body, which enables it to expand as the baby develops.This is not harmful but can be uncomfortable for mummy-to-be.However it is important to watch out for excessive swelling in your face, hands or feet.

This may be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy condition which is characterised by high blood pressure.It is important to visit your doctor if you have any worries.

Here are three tricks that will help ease the discomfort of water retention;

Elevate your legs when seated

It is important to not stand or sit for long periods of time without taking a break.This is helpful in bringing the extra fluid back towards the heart for circulation to the rest of the body. When you are sit make sure to have your legs elevated by plopping some pillows under the feet.This is the best position to help reduce swelling.

Another quick fix will be raising your feet up a wall.When you hang your legs up the wall it helps to drain tension from the legs. Doing this pose increases blood flow and circulation and reduces swelling in the feet and will have you feeling better in no time.

Drink plenty of water

This may sound counter-intuitive but it is really helpful.By drinking water you are flushing out toxins and waste matter you and your baby are producing from the kidneys easier and faster.

If you are not into drinking plain water remember water is found in fruits and veggies enjoy a watermelon or squeeze some lemon juice in your warm water to make it a bit zesty.

The benefits of drinking water whilst pregnant are explained in detail in the post The 5 miraculous benefits of drinking water for pregnant women .It is also very important to avoid too much caffeine.


Go for a walk,or go swimming this is truly therapeutic for you mama.Swimming is ideally combative for edema as the outside water pressure pushes tissue fluid back into your veins and kidneys and will have you peeing as soon as you are out of the water.

You will find that after you give birth the edema will go away.The first days after giving birth you will be peeing and sweating a lot and apparently this is the way the extra fluid in your body is being rid of.

So it does get better with time and good health management.


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