5 prevention tips for Hand, foot and mouth disease in children
There is an HFMD outbreak in Malaysia that resulted in a child dying.HFMD is a common viral disease that results in blisters on hands, feet and mouth. Unfortunately HFMD has no cure, however the symptoms can be managed.
As the wise say, " prevention is better than cure."So here are a few prevention tips to ward off HFMD from your tots.
Firstly HFMD is a highly contagious disease that mostly affects children who are below the age of five.It is contracted from contact with bodily fluids from an infected person.It is mainly prevalent in Asian countries.
The symptoms include:
-loss of appetite
-blisters on hands, feet and buttocks
-ulcers in the mouth and sore throat.
If your child has sores in the mouth, fever and blisters on the feet or hands, it is best to go visit your doctor and not send her off to school.As you know HFMD is highly contagious it can spread to other kids from children playing together.Try to treat your baby's symptoms at home and help her to try to drink plenty of water as dehydration can be a problem.
The first thing to do is to verify with the doctor if it is HFMD if it is the doctor will advise you accordingly.However to try to prevent this from happening you need to sanitise the children's toys.You can put Dettol or detergent in water and rinse off the toys in the water, rinse them off with water and dry them up also make sure they are clean and dry.For some toys you can't dip in water you have to wipe with the cloth dipped in the Dettol water or use the Dettol antibacterial spray.Wipe and mop their play area ensuring its clean for them to safely play there.
Secondly you need to wash your kids' hands every time they visit the bathroom and before they eat or even when they come from outside.Make washing hands a routine in your household to avoid germs spreading.
Thirdly ensure no sharing of utensils, towels, toothbrushes, food or drink.Especially if you suspect someone has the infection.
Fourthly ensure that when your child sneezes or coughs they cover their mouth.
Lastly to boost your child's immunity make sure they eat their greens and fruits.
In some instances it is unavoidable as kids play with other children at school or play areas.However try to practice good hygiene and cleanliness at home.Stay free from HFMD.
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