Entering lion territory
My blog post today is a bit different from the other posts.It is not only for mums, it is for those who never think they are good enough.People like me who battle with the spirit of intimidation. Yesterday the church service's message was meant for me and others like me and I thought I should share with everyone.I realised how much being intimidated has actually stolen from me.
Intimidation steals away your joy, peace, potential and confidence.We are all meant to be extraordinary, we are meant to live abundant and full lives, living to our greatest potential but when the spirit of intimidation whispers,"You can not do that, people will laugh at you."You stop in your tracks and retreat.Now you are living a half-kinda life, the glass empty kinda life, which leaves you sad and depressed. If you have listened long enough to that nagging voice in your head you may start believing everything the devil has whispered in your ear.Well, let me tell you, friend, it ends now! You are not meant for a half kinda life you are meant for greatness and it is time to thrive.It is time to get up and declare that, "Yes you can!" ,declare "You are a victor"
Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.We all get down sometimes, we all face situations that make us think little of ourselves but I believe in a God who uses the weak.His spirit lives in us, to propel us to go further than we ever thought we could go.
We are all different for a reason.Think of all the successful people you know, Serena Williams, Oprah, Jack Ma.KFC refused to hire the 14.8billionaire, imagine that.He had to go and try out to only be denied 30 times. Imagine if he had listened to the voice, that he should give up because he was used to hearing no so many times.But look at him now.To be great you need to believe in yourself more so than other people because sometimes no one will tell you that you can do it.No is not the end of the world, no is just a detour to your journey.Being rejected and criticised are all part of the package of achieving greatness.You have to enter lion territory to achieve greatness, but in order to survive a lion attack you will need to do the following survival tactics.
Pastor Brad said the devil is like a lion roaming about, stalking you, trying to wait for an opportunity when you are unaware.His main drive is to steal you away from what you are supposed to do, then the devil tries to kill your willpower to thrive and chokes your spirit with intimidation and everything that drains you.He wants you to give up he doesn't want you to thrive or be great or affect change. The last drive of the devil to destroy you so be vigilant!
When entering lion territory you need to be sober minded, to be vigilant and fully aware of your surroundings.When the lion starts to roar at you, telling you to back off, telling you you will never amount up to anything, do not panic.Do not believe his lies.Do not isolate yourself remain in church.
Second thing when things get hard its always easy to run away and come back when everything is alright.But chances are you can not out-run a lion.You will be devoured.Instead stand your ground, stand firm in the hope that God is King and He reigns over all.
Do not make any sudden moves.Do not make rash decisions because you are in an uncomfortable situation.Listen to the Spirit of God.It's usually a small but firm voice.You can miss the voice sometimes especially when you are panicking when you are all over the place and there is so much noise around you.Find your peace and listen.There you will find calmness and victory.
If the lion is still roaring at you its not over for you.You need to wave your hands in air to make you look as big and intimidating as possible, still maintaining eye contact with the lion.Worship God.Lift up your arms to the Lord.In Exodus when Moses held his hand up, Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.When we lift up our hands to God we are inviting him in our lives.We are saying God take over fight for us.So when our hands are lifted up,Jesus steps in and He is bigger than any devil.He is mighty, he is the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Lastly you need to shout.You are already there.You already have your hands up in the air.You need to make joyful shouts to the Lord.Praise the God Almighty.The lion of the tribe of Judah.After all this victory is certain.God has your back.You got this!
Do not be intimidated.Face your greatest fears with that fear, face your fears with that gut wrenching feeling in your tummy.Do it.If you fail go back to the drawing board and try again.I wrote a book a couple months ago its not the best book ever but its my way of praising my Lord Jesus Christ.Its an affirmation book based on the Word of God.I have always had a problem with confidence.I have been told I won't amount to anything.I have been laughed at.I have failed so many times but that book was a way of telling myself "you can do it and do it now for tomorrow is not promised.We live our lives wasting so much time trying to please everyone but if tomorrow wasn't going to come, what would you do different?
You do not need a group of people on your corner to achieve greatness all you need is you and God.My first book is not perfect but its a start and I am a big believer in humble beginnings.Its a challenge to other people like me who struggle with the not good enough spirit.Encourage yourself ,look in the mirror and tell yourself, "You are enough"
Have a productive week friends.