7 mistakes I made as a new mom
Holding my baby all the time
I could not help it!I just loved holding Kai so much that I just wouldn't let him be.He would sleep in my arms and that later on became a habit that he didn't grow out of, even ,till now.Poor mama's boy.Yeah with my second one its like hold who?Naaaaah i'm good.You need to let you baby play on his own cause it is going to take a toll on you as a mom.Your child needs to know you are two different individuals.
Not wanting him to cry at all
I could not let him cry.Every time he cried I would pick him up.So now he really cashes in on my emotional side he knows I am a softy so he runs to me when he has done something that he could get into trouble for.Yes of course babies should not be left to cry for a long time and often times this is damaging to them.But when you have fed, changed the diaper, made sure the the temperature is just right and the baby is alright.There is no harm in letting him cry it out and be there after a few minutes to reassure him that you are there and everything is alright.
If he didn't like a food I stopped giving it to him
Till now I am suffering not exposing my child to varied diet.I would puree' some food for him sometimes he would eat and sometimes he wouldn't.I'd become so offended when he didn't open his mouth to try a new food and when he stood his ground I would back off and stop trying new foods completely.This was a great mistake because kids have to try a food about 12 times to decide if they like it or not.
Sleeping habits
Around 4- 6 months you need to sleep train your baby to make it easier for both of you to get enough sleep.You need to find a routine that you are consistent with and follow through with it.With Kai I struggled with being consistent, so sometimes he would sleep early and some times he would sleep late, depending on what day it was.Children like consistency they like it when they can guess what's going to happen next so be consistent.
Not letting him to be independent
I am a no-perfect-mum no doubt.I smother my little boys.I don't want them to scrape their knees or be told no.If only i could keep them in my little bubble.The truth is life is unfair and we cant control most of the things that happen in our lives.They are going to be told no by some investors in the future, they are not going to be liked by everyone and I cant teach them to be liked by everyone or to be treated fairly in life.But what I can teach them is to be independent to be confident in who they are and whose they are.In that they can steer in the right direction always.
Talking to him more
I was simply lazy to do the goo goo gaga.I really thought it is not that important.Boy was I wrong.Not only does it help with your child's language development it also stimulates your child's brain and improves his emotional and social skills.So when the nurses encourage you to talk to your baby, listen to them.
Exposing him to new experiences
Its important to bring your baby out from the house and just go outside with them.Visit new places, get them to meet new people and enjoy new experiences when you travel with them.This will help them boost their brain activity.