Baby's here....what's next?
Congratulations you are now a mummy!What's next?I have to admit when I had my first child I felt helpless.I thought I was not ready to take him home and be solely responsible for another human being.What made it all better was the support I got from family and friends that assured me that we are just going to be fine.
Get your baby registered
If you have given birth in Malaysia you need to get the birth certificate from JPN or the National registration department nearest to you.You need to go with the following documents;
1. Birth registration form JPN.LM01 that is completed;
2. Confirmation of birth form from the hospital or certification of home birth from the midwife/doctor (original);
3. Prenatal card (maternity examination book) (original and copy)
Identity cards or entry permits or passports of the parents and the person reporting the birth (originals and copies);
Death Certificate of mother and father of the child (original and copy if applicable)
Marriage or divorce certificate (originals and copies)
INFORMANT’S DOCUMENT (ORIGINAL AND COPY)Identity card or entry permit or passport (original and copy)
It is completely free if done within the first 60 days.
For the Zimbabwean birth certificate and passport you need to go to the embassy and present the following documents;
Mother and father's national identity cards • Birth confirmation record from the hospital or clinic • Marriage certificate
For the passport you need:
Original long birth certificate and photocopy
• Original national identity card and photocopy
• Marriage certificate / divorce order and photocopy where applicable.
• Two colour photographs (size 3.5 x 4.5cm)
• Citizenship certificate and photocopy where applicable
The forms cost $20 and the costs for processing the passport back in Zimbabwe are as follows;
• Ordinary passport - US$53.00
• Emergency passport - US$253.00
• Express urgent passport - US$318.00
Get baby insured
You need to report your new baby to your insurance company so as to have her covered as soon as possible.For some insurance plans like AIA they will require you to report your newborn at least a month after delivery.
Get baby checked
The first doctor appointment for your baby is really important as they check if baby has jaundice and the general well being of the baby so please make sure you are able to make the appointment.For public hospitals they send midwives to your home after a week to check on you and the baby whilst for private hospitals you need to head on to the hospital.
Get loads of help
It takes a village to raise children believe me you can not do it alone.Being far away from home can be challenging but we thank God for friends that become family.Do not be afraid to delegate house chores to your partner and rest of the family.You can not give what you do not have, so its good to fill up on some energy to be able to function properly and run your household well.
Get it
Give yourself some time to heal.You just carried some precious cargo for 9 months.It will take time to get back to your normal self.Do not push yourself too hard by taking on too much.Just take it a day at a time.You may not get back your normal self as soon as possible but this version 2.0 of you is way better than you can imagine so appreciate yourself.
Get some zzzz's
Try to sleep when your baby is napping even if its for a couple of hours you need some rest.After giving birth you may feel like your body has just been run over by a train, you went through a lot so try to get some well deserved rest.
Get your kegels on
Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, resulting in uncomfortable pelvic pressure and unwanted leakage of urine. Kegels are a simple and effective way to whip those muscles back into shape.
Get hydrated
Drink more water.This will affect your breastmilk so take at least 6 glasses of water especially with the hot temperature outside you need to be hydrated.