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Is your baby constipated?

baby on the potty

You have to watch out for the signs of your little one being constipated.Babies get constipated just as us grown ups do.This usually happens at the stage when they start eating solids or sometimes drinking some types of formula can cause constipation.

Sometimes as mummies we may feel a bit tired to prepare some nourishing food for the little ones.So we just stuff them with cereals.I am guilty there.

So how do you know your baby is constipated?Simple.How many times is having bowel movements?Is it once a week?Maybe your little one is constipated but you have to check his stool.Is it hard (sometimes it can have streaks of blood in it).Yikes.Finally is your little one having trouble passing stool?If you answered yes to all of the questions your baby is constipated.

Here's what I do when Kai is having tummy troubles.Lay him on the bed and do bicycle exercises till he is tired and make him move about.You might be wondering how this helps?Exercise makes the heart pump faster thereby increases blood flow to your baby's organs, and brings more blood to the gastrointestinal tract resulting in stronger intestinal contractions and more digestive enzymes.The more digestive enzymes there is, the easier and quicker food waste moves along the colon.

Secondly I am blessed that Kai loves his water just as he loves his milk so this helps a lot.Your baby must take in lots of fluids.

Thirdly the three Ps,Pumpkin,Pear and Prunes.My son doesn't like eating fruit as it is so I have to make a puree of it and have him eat that.These three p's have worked for me a lot especially Prune Juice.I use Sunsweet Prune Juice.You can Just put a little in his food if he cant sip a little.Apple juice also helps with constipation.For the pumpkin I add some broccoli boil it and then make a puree as well.

Lastly yoghurt with live cultures.The live cultures in yoghurt help reduce the digestion time for your

baby's ingested food and creates a great environment for his digestive system to be healthy.

If constipation goes on for a while you need to visit your family doctor who will further advice on the next course of action.


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